

Oral communications at conferences and symposiums

Oral communications by invitation


  • Salon, C., Prudent, M., Arkoun, M., Frugier, F., Billot, B., Blouin, Declerck, P., Dubreuil, P., Jacquiod, S., Jeudy, C., Just, D., Krouk, G., Lamboeuf, M., Maillard, M., Maslard, C., Martinet, J., Nacry, P., Lafarge, S., Praud, S., Rothan, C., Steinberg, C., & Tixier, A. (2024). From morphological to functional root traits assessment with high throughpout phenotyping. International Symposium “Frontiers in the development and application of plant phenotyping: What are we seeking in plant phenotyping?, https://hal. inrae. fr/hal-04224465.


  • Maslard, C., Arkoun, M., Leroy, F., Salon, C., Peng, J., & Prudent, M. (2023). Transcriptomic and ecophysiological analyses revealed contrasted soybean mineral nutrition under individual or combined heat and water stresses. In World Soybean Research Conférence 11 WSRC11.
  • Maslard, C., Larmure, A., Arkoun, M., Salon, C., & Peng, J. (2023). Ecophysiological processes underlying mineral nutrition of soybean under individual or combined heat and water stresses. Revista de Investigaciones de Ciensias Agronomicas, 40(Suplemento Seminario científico franco-argentino sobre agroecología 22-23 novembre, Rosario, Argentine), 84.
  • Maslard, C., Arkoun, M., Salon, C., & Prudent, M. (2023). Exploring architectural traits and ecophysiological responses in soybean under heat and water stress: implications for climate change adaptation. Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs UBFC 2023,, Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs UBFC 2023, Jun 2023, Besançon, France
  • Salon, C. (2023). Combining ecophysiology, microbial ecology, molecular physiology and genetics and high throughput phenotyping to assess key traits of plant and micro organisms interactions. "INRAE – NARO Phenotyping research focus on INRAE/NARO activites.". Naro, Japon, 11 octobre 2023. (communication orale invité).
  • Tixier, A., Barnard, R., Salon, C., Jeudy, C., Prudent, M. (2023). Ecophysiologie de rhizodéposition chez les legumineuses. RhizoDREAM workshop, INRAe, Oct 2023, Montpellier, France.
  • Salon, C., Arkoum, M., Billot, B., Blouin, M., Bourion, V., et al.. Within a high throughput phenotyping platform, mix ecophysiology, microbial ecology, molecular physiology and genetics and stir: the recipe of new breeding tools. 3rd Asia-Pacific Plant Phenomics International Conference, Jul 2023, Sanya, China. conférence invitée.
  • Salon, C., Arkoum, M., Billot, B, Dubreuil, P., Frugier, F., Jeudy, C., Gabriel Krouk, Stephane Lafarge, Mickael Lamboeuf, Morgan Maillard et al. (2023-01-10). New developments towards high throughput phenotyping studies devoted to innovative plant breeding tools. Presented at : 3ème colloque de la North East Agricultural University. International Forum of  Intelligent Agriculture, Virtuel, Chine (2023-01-10), conférence invitée.


  • Salon, C. (2022-04-12). The roots of agriculture. To dig or not to dig: root phenotyping for breeding. Presented at : Solace Final Stakeholder Meeting, Louvain la Neuve, Belgique (2022-04-12), conférence invitée.
  • Anatomie d’expérience du projet Horizon Rhizobreed : boîte à outils de sélection pour améliorer la résilience des cultures et l'adaptation au changement climatique via la sélection à l'interface racine-sol. Séminaire BAP – AgroEcoSystem. Contribution du système racinaire et des fonctions des plantes aux cycles N/P et au stockage de C dans les sols. 1er Décembre 2022.
  • Salon C., Arkoum M., Billot B., Bourion V., Dubreuil P., Jeudy C., Krouk G., Lamboeuf M., Lafarge S., Maillard M., Martinet J., Maslard C., Nacry P., Praud S., Prudent M. (2022). « Expectations of plant high throughput phenotyping and associated tools and methods ». PROSPECTIVES INEE ( « Les défis méthodologiques du phénotypage Haut Débit ». 12/10/2022. La Rochelle (France).
  • Salon C., Arkoum M., Billot B., Bourion V., Jeudy C., Lamboeuf M., Martinet J., Maslard C., Prudent M., Shen J., Tixier A., Xin Z. (2022-03-01). High throughput phenotyping : associated tools and methods to assess determinisms of plant and microbiome interactions. Presented at : NARO Food Health symposium, Tsukuba, Japon (2022-03-01 - 2022-03-02), conférence invitée.
  • Salon C. (2022-04-12). The roots of agriculture. To dig or not to dig: root phenotyping for breeding. Presented at : Solace Final Stakeholder Meeting, Louvain la Neuve, Belgique (2022-04-12), conférence invitée.
  • Salon C. (2022). The Roots of Agriculture. To Dig or Not To Dig: Root phenotyping for breeding. Solace Final Meeting, Louvain la Neuve. 12-14th April.


  • Salon C., Bourion V., Dubreuil P., Jeudy C., Krouk G., Lamboeuf M., Maillard M., Martinet J., Nacry P., Praud S., Prudent M., Shen J., Tixier A., Zancarini A., Zhao X. (2021). “Going back to roots: combining phenotyping, ecophysiology and molecular physiology”. EU projects “Legvalue”, “True” and “International Legume Society” joint workshop”. Science, innovation, and the empowerment of legumes, 4th of May 2021.
  • Salon C., Bourion V., Dubreuil P., Jeudy C., Krouk G., Lamboeuf M., Maillard M., Martinet J., Nacry P., Praud S., Prudent M., Janbo Shen6, Tixier A., Zancarini A., Zhao X. (2021). « Phenotyping, ecophysiology and molecular physiology to characterize plant root system architecture and plant-plant and plant-microorganisms interactions » . Phenomics Webinar, “EMPHASIS-IPPN“
  • Salon C., Bourion V., Jeudy C., Lamboeuf M., Maslard C., Gomes C., Martinet J., Prudent M., Franck ZENK1. (2021). “Assessing plant and microorganisms interactions using high throughput phenotyping ». Organized by Vitagora (France) and NARO (Japan). Workshop “Microorganisms: sources of value from soil to food ». October 5 & 6, 2021, online event.
  • Salon C., Arkoum M., Billot B., Blouin M., Bourion V., Dubreuil P., Frugier F., Jacquiod S., Jeudy C., Krouk G., Lafarge S., Lamboeuf M., Maillard M., Martinet J., Maslard C., Nacry P., Praud S., Prudent M., Shen J., Steinberg C., Tixier A., Zhao X. (2021). « Determinisms of plant and microbiome interactions : a multidisciplinary approach involving high-throughput phenotyping », 28th of November 2021, North East Agricultural University lectures, China.


  • Salon, C., Martinet, J., Zenk, F., Lamboeuf, M., Jeudy, C. (2019). What do we get, what do we need for high thourghput phenotyping ? 4th Annual P2IRC Symposium, October 23-24, Saskatoon, Canada
  • Salon, C., Lamboeuf, M., Jeudy, C. (2019). Des plateformes et des omes: comment alimenter les modèles. Journée INRA/Sélectionneurs privé, Avignon. 14-03-19.
  • Salon, C., Lamboeuf, M., Jeudy, C. (2019). Outils et méthodes pour le phénotypage racinaire haut débit. Association Sélectionneurs Français, Versailles, 2019-02-06
  • Salon, C., Jeudy, C., Lamboeuf, M., Moreau, D., Bourion, V., Prudent, M., Voisin, A.S. (2019). Application du phénotypage haut débit à l'étude des interactions plante x microorganismes en conditions de stress
  • Salon, C., Bourion, V., Jeudy, C., Moreau, D., Prudent, M., Tixier, A., Voisin, A.-S. (2019). Opening Lecture. Challenges and opportunities for innovative research on legume nutrition and stress adaptation: an ecophysiologist’s and phenotyping point of view. In: Abstracts book ILS3 2019, Third International Legume Society Conference. Legumes for human and planet health (p. p.15). Invitation at ILS3 2019, Third International Legume Society Conference. Legumes for human and planet health, Poznan, Pologne, 21-24 mai 2019, POL (2019-05-21 - 2019-05-24). Poznan, POL : Fundacja UAM w Poznaniu. 214p.


  • Salon, C., Bernard, C., Lamboeuf, M., Martinet, J., Moreau, D., Prudent, M., Voisin, A.-S., Jeudy, C. (2018). What is needed, what does phenotyping deliver?. Invitation at Hefei University, Hefei, CHN (2018-11-03 - 2018-11-03).
  • Salon, C., Billiot, B., Bernard, C., Lamboeuf, M., Martinet, J., Moreau, D., Pluchon, M., Prudent, M., Voisin, A.-S. (2018). What do we expect from high throughput phenotyping ? Invitation at Anhui Agricultural University, Anhui, CHN (2018-11-09 - 2018-11-09).
  • Salon, C., Bourion, V., Jeudy, C., Lamboeuf, M., Moreau, D., Prudent, M., Voisin, A.-S. (2018). Phenotyping feeds plant models. Invitation at 6th IEEE International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling Visualization and Application, Hefei, CHN (2018-11-04 - 2018-11-08).
  • Salon, C., Billiot, B., Bernard, C., Lamboeuf, M., Martinet, J., Moreau, D., Pluchon, M., Prudent, M., Voisin, A.-S. (2018). What do we expect from high throughput phenotyping ? Invitation at Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science, Beijing, CHN (2018-11-12 - 2018-11-12).
  • Salon C. and Jeudy C. (2018). Le marquage isotopique comme outil d’étude de la nutrition et du fonctionnement des plantes. Journée recherche appliquée, Wellience, 14/06/18
  • Salon, C. (2018). Root Phenotyping and candidate traits for optimizing plant nitrogen nutrition. Invitation at Durum days "Durum Wheat market outlook and price forecast", Foggia, ITA (2018-05-16 - 2018-05-17).
  • Salon, C. (2018). How can high throughput phenotyping contribute to sustainable agriculture?. Invitation during Groupe Roullier Centre Mondial Innovations awards, St Malo, France, 28 juin 2018, FRA (2018-07-28).
  • Salon, C., Voisin, A.-S., Prudent, M. (2018). Challenges to improve nutrients use efficiency and plant–microbial Interactions: case studies of N and legumes. Presented at Seminar China Agricultural University, Pékin, Chine, 23 Avril 2018, CHN (2018-04-23).
  • Salon, C., Munier-Jolain, N. (2018). Overview of INRA - Sustainable agriculture development: French Experience. Presented at Green Agriculture Workshop, China Agricultural University, Pékin, CHN (2018-04-24).
  • Salon, C., Bernard, C., Declerk, P., Just, D., Prudent, M., Rothan, C., Jeudy, C. (2018). In the context of sustainable agriculture how, with plant high throughput phenotyping, can we address the various challenges?. Presented at COST final meeting Action FA1306. The quest for tolerant varieties - Phenotyping at plant and cellular level, Louvain, BEL (2018-03-21 - 2018-03-22).
  • Salon, C., Declerck, P., Jeudy, C., Moreau, D., Prudent, M., Rothan, C., Voisin, A.-S. (2018). High throughput root phenotyping, besides shoot phenotyping. Presented at Seminar China Agricultural University, Pékin, Chine, 23 Avril 2018, CHN (2018-04-23).
  • Salon, C., Voisin, A.-S., Astier, M. (2018). Legume chains diagnosis for animal and human food and (some..) development prospects. Invitation at 1st TRUE Legume Innovation and Networking (LIN) - Workshop of the Mediterranean Region, Athène, Grèce, 20 avril 2018, GRC (2018-04-20 - 2018-04-20).


  • Salon C. (2017). High throughput root phenotyping using the “Rhizo” suite. COST WG1. EPPN2020 workshop. Current and future applications of phenotyping in plant breeding. (2017) Novi Sad, 29-30 September.
  • Salon C., Bernard C, Lamboeuf M and Jeudy C (2017). Phenotyping innovations, opportunities, 4PMI results gathered from ngoing projects and challenges. Nanjing Agricultural University, China, 28-29 December.
  • Lamboeuf, M., Jeudy, C., Cointault, F., Salon, C. (2017). Acquisitions et traitements d’images au service du phénotypage racinaire au sein de la plateforme haut débit 4PMI avec le système RhizoCab-RhizoTube. Presented at « Journée des Doctorants de l’UMR 1347 Agroécologie », Dijon, FRA (2017-04-10).
  • 2016
  • Salon C. (2016). High throughput phenotyping of interactions between plants and microorganisms, associated devices. Phenotyping Platform for Plant and Plant Micro organisms Interactions (4PMI, INRA Dijon). "Scientific Workshop on the effects of biotic and abiotic stresses in legumes: the ABSTRESS and BIOTECSOJASUR projects". Balcarce, Argentine, 10-14 March 2016.

Salon C. (2016). International Phenotyping Landscape. Rencontres Abstress-BioSojaSur, Balcarce (Argentine) 12 March 2016.


  • Salon C. (2015). High throughput phenotyping of plant interactions with micro organisms: associated devices. "6th Annual meeting of the EFOR Network". Paris, France, 9-11 March 2015.
  • Salon C. (2015). High throughput phenotyping. "Appetite for INNOVATION "Agro-ecology for quality food systems" ". Dijon, France, 18-19 juin 2015. (oral communication in a conference organized for companies, professionals).


  • Salon C. (2014). Phenotyping plant root and their interaction with soil micro-organisms. In "WG1 meeting "phenotyping: from the lab to the field", COST FA1306 "The quest for tolerant varieties - Phenotyping at plant and cellular level" ". Larcana, Chypre, 13-14th of November.
  • Salon C., Jeudy C., Bernard C., Cointault F., Han S., Lamboeuf M., Baussart C. 2014. Nodulated root imaging within the high throughput plant phenotyping platform (PPHD, INRA, Dijon). "Institute Days of MPI-MP". Potsdam-Golm, Allemagne, 26-27 June.
  • Salon C. (2014). Opportunités de Phénotypage racinaire en interaction avec les Micro organisms. "Journées du Département SPE". Paris, France, 20th of November.
  • Salon C. (2014). Phénotypage haut débit des interactions entre plantes et micro-organismes : exemple des légumineuses. "Journée scientifique de la plate-forme BIBS ( "Phénotypage à différentes échelles de plantes et d’organes végétaux : Aspects méthodologiques et applications, de l’échelle moléculaire à la plante entière" ". Nantes, France, 17th January 2014.
  • Salon C. (2014). Phénotypage haut débit des interactions entre plantes et micro-organismes : exemple des légumineuses. "Conference "Structure Féderative de Recherche QUASAV" Toulouse Phénotypage". Toulouse, France, 22nd May 2014.
  • Salon C. (2014). Opportunities for high throughput phenotyping in agrecology. "Séminaire SFR Structure Fédérative de Recherche, Angers IRHS". Angers, France.


  • Salon C. (2013). Phenotyping plant and organisms interactions in the context of sustainable agriculture. Photo-physiology Phenotyping Workshop, ESSEX (UK), 16th of December.
  • Salon C. (2013). Characterizing plant and organisms interactions: challenges and opportunities involving high throughput plant phenotyping. EPSO Satellite meeting of EPPN on Phenotyping, Porto Heli, Greece.
  • Salon C., Bernard C, Jeudy C. (2013). Challenges and opportunities involving high throughput plant Phenotyping of plant and organisms interactions in PPHD. Phenodays, Vaalsbroek, Netherland.
  • 2012
  • Salon C. (2012). « L’excellence scientifique et le potentiel d’innovation et de transfert de technologie présents à Dijon dans les domaines de l’agroenvironnement ». Information et Echange sur thématiques Phares du Grand Dijon. 3rd October.
  • Salon C, Voisin AS, Prudent M. (2012). Phenotypage racinaire, cas d'étude des légumineuses. "GIS ALLenvi, Journée Racines". Montpellier, France, 27 February.
  • Salon C, Bernard C, Bourion V, Duc G, Jeudy C, Voisin AS. (2012). Phenotyping in Agroecology. Jülich, Allemagne, 19-20 April.

Other oral communications

  • Lamboeuf M., Jeudy C., Cointault F., Salon C. (2017). Acquisitions et traitements d’images au service du phénotypage racinaire au sein de la plateforme haut débit 4PMI avec le système RhizoCab-RhizoTube. "6ème Journée des Doctorants de l’UMR 1347 Agroécologie". Dijon, France.
  • * Couchoud M., Prudent M., Vernoud V., Salon C. (2017). Comment la plante récupère-t-elle après un stress hydrique? Une étude écophysiologique et moléculaire chez la légumineuse à graines Pisum sativum. "6ème Journée des Doctorants de l’UMR 1347 Agroécologie". Dijon, France.
  • Han S., Simon J.-C., Salon C., Cointault F. (2017). High resolution imagery for phenotypic root traits detection. CIRG-AgEng 2016, International Conférence on Agricultural Engineering, Automation, Environment and Food Safety (2016-06-26-2016-06-29) Aarhus (DNK). 2016.
  • * Han S.M., Cointault F., Salon C., Simon J.-C. (2015). Automatic Detection of Nodules in Legumes by Imagery in a Phenotyping Context. In "Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 16th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP), Valletta, Malte, 02-04 septembre 2015", vol. 9257:134-145. Azzopardi, G., and Petkov, N. ed. Springer-Verlag Berlin.
  • Cointault F. (2015). Image acquisition and processing for precision farming applications. "2nd International Conference and Expo on Computer Graphics & Animation". San Antonio, Etas Unis, 21-22 September 2015.
  • * Han S., Cointault F., Simon J.-C., Salon C. (2014). Automatic detection of phenotypic traits in legume roots. "3. International Workshop on Image Analysis Methods for the Plant Sciences". Aberystwyth, UK, 15-16 septembre 2014.
  • Salon C. (2014). Phénotypage haut débit des interactions entre plantes et micro-organismes : exemple des légumineuses. "Journée scientifique de la plate-forme BIBS ( "Phénotypage à différentes échelles de plantes et d’organes végétaux : Aspects méthodologiques et applications, de l’échelle moléculaire à la plante entière" ". Nantes, France.
  • Salon C, Jeudy C., Bernard C. (2014). Phenotyping Platform for Plant and Plant Micro organisms Interactions. Journées M3P Montpellier.
  • Salon C. (2013). Phenotyping, what’s going on ? Projet Européen Abstress. Lecce, Italy. Juin 2013.
  • Salon C., Jeudy C, Bernard, C. (2012). Phenotyping a variety of biological units: Case study of legumes plants. "European Plant Phenotyping Network EPPN workshop "plant phenotyping". Varsovie, Poland.