Scientific objectives

Scientific objectives

scientific objectives

The research of our UMR Agroecology (INRA) and more broadly our national and international projects partners (public or private) aims to understand the adaptation of plants to environmental constraints to improve the level and stability of their yield. They can within the 4PMI conduct quantitative genetics and association approaches on large panels of genotypes of a variety of plant species.

The root traits of plants represent a major opportunity for genetic improvement of crop performance and yield. In view of the need for root knowledge, our developments concern innovative tools and methods in root phenotyping of plants, from juvenile stages to more advanced stages of the order of several weeks of growth.

Within the 4 PMI are carried out phenotyping on agro systems plants such as legumes, cereals, oilseeds, tobacco, vines (…) of two types :  the first a high throughput phenotyping (image of 600 dpi) and the second is a  very high resolution (image up to 3600 dpi) – low throughput root phenotyping. These plants can be characterized in mono specific, in association or competition, under different environmental conditions and at different organizational levels (organ, plant and plants associations), for a wide variety of biological units (microorganisms, seeds, seedlings, plants).

Ultimately, 4PMI facilities, tools and methods are at the service of agroecology to identify and select plant varieties more efficient and tolerant to different stresses towards more sustainable croppings.